Relatively Mythical stuff....
Just to clear the air about somethings. Special Relativity is a playground for the mind. However, it is not some of the things I have listed below.
1. Time slows down as speed increases. Remember, we were talking of reference frames. Within a single reference frame that does NOT happen. Only when one reference frame is viewsed from another does all this take place. What that simply means is that on earth time never slows down as speed increases!
2. Objects get shorter as speed increases. The same rule as above applies here.
3. Special Relativity does not handle acceleration. That is the biggest myth about SR.
4. Mass increases with speed. In reality it is energy that increases and not the rest mass.
5. Nothing travels faster than the speed of light. What SR says is that crossing the light barrier either from a faster or slower speed is not allowed.
I am not sure about 2. I think object reduce size with speed.
That was a fast response.
Like in the 1st point, if you were to meassure the speed of a moving object in one reference frame from another: Yes! the will be difference in size. However within the same reference frame the answer is NO. It is the same as the first case.
Waiting for more..interesting stuff. Have you got lost inside dark matter??
Do you think at some time in the near future, you will explain the hypersherical click rate and blue shift. I need some insight on that.
Thank you
David S
H Click rate and Blue shift might come in only later. However, if we were discussing time dilation it would have been a feature alright. Give me a call sometime. I have a paper on that...might have answers that you look for.
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